Boston Moving Concierge helps high performance people relocate to, from or within the greater-Boston area by providing a full array of moving services including staging, organizing, storage, moving, packing, donations, estate sales, junk removal, unpacking, crating, specialty moving, unpacking, temporary housing, permits and real estate services. 


Downsizing in Greater Boston 

boston moving help

Living in Greater Boston can be expensive, and downsizing can be a great way to save money on housing costs. Here are some downsizing tips for living in Greater Boston:

Consider your actual needs: Take a look at your current living situation and evaluate what you actually need versus what you want. For example, do you really need a two-bedroom apartment or could you make do with a studio or one-bedroom? Could you live without a car and rely on public transportation?

Sell or donate items you don’t need: Downsizing can be a great opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Consider selling or donating items such as clothes, furniture, and electronics.

Choose a smaller living space: Look for smaller apartments or homes that fit your needs.Living in a studio or 1-bed in an area like Newton or Arlington that offer many outdoor and “out of house” recreational opportunities is better for you than living in a huge house way in the burbs where you have to drive to everything.

Use multi-functional furniture: When downsizing, space is at a premium. Consider using multi-functional furniture in Boston such as a sofa bed or a dining table that doubles as a workspace.

Embrace minimalism: Living in a smaller space requires a mindset shift. Embrace minimalism and focus on having only what you need, rather than accumulating unnecessary possessions. Consider hiring Boston Moving Concierge to help you organize during your big move.

Utilize storage solutions: When living in a smaller space, storage can be a challenge. Utilize storage solutions such as shelving, under-bed storage, and hanging organizers to maximize your space. Even hiring a Boston moving and storage company to store your items long term is an option.

Take advantage of outdoor spaces: If your downsized living space lacks indoor space, take advantage of outdoor spaces. Consider finding a place with a balcony or patio to expand your living area.

Remember, downsizing can be a great way to save money and simplify your life. With a little creativity and a willingness to embrace change, you can make the most of your downsized living situation in Greater Boston. Here are some more downsizing tips.

Boston Moving Concierge can help with professional staging, organizing, moving, cleaning. and packing for any relocation, move in or move out.